From the November 2015 Watchtower:
What have archaeologists found that shows that Jericho was captured in a short time?
Joshua 6:10-15, 20 says that the Israelite soldiers marched around the city of Jericho once a day for six days. On the seventh day, they went around the city seven times. Then God made the strong walls of Jericho fall, and the Israelites captured the city. Have archaeologists found anything that shows that the siege of Jericho was short, just as the Bible says?
So, forgive me, but I thought this article would provide evidence for the miraculous fall of Jericho's walls. After all, that's the most remarkable part of the story!
Instead, the topic is substantially narrowed in the last sentence: "Have archaeologists found anything that shows that the siege of Jericho was short, just as the Bible says?" Hmmm... Disappointing.
In ancient times, a city was under siege when an army surrounded its walls, ready to attack it. If a siege lasted a long time, the people in the city would eat most of the food they had stored. When the soldiers finally captured the city, they would take everything they wanted, including any food that was left. That is why archaeologists have discovered very little food or none at all in the ruins of cities in Palestine that were attacked in this way. But the ruins of Jericho are different. Biblical Archaeology Review says: “The most abundant item found in the destruction, apart from pottery, was grain.” It adds: “To find such an extensive amount of grain is exceptional.”
Pretend for a moment that this is actually interesting information...
WOW! Extensive amounts of grain - surely enough to feed a city during an extended siege! Never eaten! Never plundered!
Well, not exactly...
The Biblical Archaeology Review article (quoted, but not properly referenced, hmmm...) was written by Bryant G. Wood, a young earth creationist. He refers to the work of archaeologist Kathleen Kenyon, who excavated Jericho in the 1950s. She is said to have discovered "six bushels" of grain over the entire dig site. Six bushels. That's a sack and a bit of grain.

But wait, it gets worse. The grain found by Kenyon does not carbon date to the time of the bible story. Not even close.
The Bible says that the Israelites did not take any of the food in Jericho because Jehovah had commanded them not to. (Joshua 6:17, 18) It also says that the Israelites attacked Jericho in the spring, right after the harvest, when there was a lot of grain stored in the city. (Joshua 3:15-17; 5:10) So the fact that there was still a lot of grain in Jericho after the siege confirms that the siege was short, just as the Bible says.
So, based on some scattered grain, dating from a thousand years too early, and the "research" of a young earth creationist, the Watchtower concludes that the bible story is true.
How scholarly!